Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday Night

After a long, long Sunday, I finally got in my miles at 9pm. Had planned on running earlier, but sometimes things don't go as planned.

In fact, I would have likely bailed on my run altogether, except the fact I had left my car at the grocery store 2 miles away earlier in the day knowing I would get it after my run, so effectively I had no choice. Since I had to get out, I did manage to get in 7.5 miles, but it was not as far as I had planned for the day. Still not bad, and I think I will live.

I managed 29 miles for the week, a bit short of where I wanted to be but not bad. I will keep up the balance of February much like the start, and really start stretching the longer weekend runs in March,

On a positive note, we got a lot of work done around the house this weekend.  A FULL truckload went to Goodwill, of stuff that we have been moving around for 10 years without using. Let the purge continue!!

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